Saturday, February 1, 2020

Blue Shoes For Wedding: Something Stylishly Blue

For me, nothing can make a bride more unique and stylish than choosing blue shoes for a wedding. I think it says a lot about the bride’s personality and her eagerness to be unique and special. I’d have to consider how blue wedding shoes for the bride would fit with the whole ensemble. And of course, there is the problem of what shade of blue to choose since there are indeed a few shades available. So before I even set out to find the right blue shoes, I’d have decided on the shade and style. Yet it is also important to keep an open mind when shopping as the options really are a lot. But, it is always nice to have some things patted down already. And in this case: a fancy blue wedding shoe.
Blue Shoes For Wedding

Shade Of Blue

My favorite shade of blue is turquoise but there are others that are just as nice as royal blue shoes for the wedding or it could also be light blue, baby blue, and teal. Navy blue shoes for weddings are also advisable as well as any other shade of blue dress shoes for the wedding. The choice would also have to depend on the rest of the wedding ensemble so that shoe color will not stand out and becomes a showcase in itself. I usually check out accents of blue in the rest of the outfit. It just so happen that the floral bouquet is also like a bride’s purse so I would strongly advise that a bride’s bouquet should have bits of blue flowers in them. That way the color blue can subtly blend into the whole outfit.

Stylish Cinderella

The next choice is geared towards the style of the shoes. This will depend on the shoe style choices and how much blue the bride wants to be highlighted on the shoes. Blue wedding pumps will really make the shoes more noticeable while strappy shoes with heels will subtly present the color. Ask this: How much splash of blue do I want on my feet and does the contrast complement the whole ensemble? Think of personal choices and decisions with the ones that are available in terms of shoe style.

Blue Shoe Shopping

Now that I have shade and style ticked off, it’s time to check out the stores for the real deal. I don’t limit my scouring at the wedding shoe section as their offers might be limited to white and ivory shades. Rather, I go directly to the regular evening shoe section where a variety of choices are laid out. I also check the sandals area for additional options. I never rush when shoe shopping much more so that this is for wedding shoes. I always like to have fun in the process. And I would never compromise comfort and fit. In hot weather these shoes are comfortable.

Complementary Blue Shoes

I would also make sure that the shoes go well with the rest of the outfit be it ivory lace, or one that has rhinestone bling; it could even match the bouquet! Blue shoes are indeed a unique choice for a wedding but it is important that all parts of the wedding outfit complement well with each other. There are many brides nowadays choosing shoes for its traditional “something blue.” Blue wedding shoes definitely exude uniqueness, fun, and style.

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